Page last updated 31/05/07 John Wilson Fletcher, christened 22nd of August 1788, Society of Friends,
Workington John Fletcher, christened 24 JAN 1823 Society Of Friends, Graysouthen, Cumberland, England Isaac Fletcher, christened 22nd of February 1827 Society of Friends,
Graysouthen Mary Fletcher, christened 30 MAY 1829 Society Of Friends, Graysouthen, Cumberland, England; buried 22 DEC 1832 Society Of Friends, Graysouthen, Cumberland, England William Fletcher, christened 31 JAN 1831 Society Of Friends, Graysouthen, Cumberland, England Deborah Fletcher, christened 30 SEP 1832, Society Of Friends, Graysouthen, Cumberland, England Henry Mason Fletcher, christened 27 JUL 1834 Society Of Friends, Graysouthen, Cumberland, England (Is Mason a mistranscription for Allason?) Memorial Inscriptions at Greysouthen John Wilson Fletcher born 22 VIII 1788, died 2 X 1857 THE TIMES, Tuesday, Oct 07, 1856 MARRIAGE. On the 2d inst., at the Friends' Meeting House, Pardshaw Hall, Cumberland, THEODORE HARRIS, Esq., of Leighton Buzzard to ANN DEBORAH, only daughter of JOHN WILSON FLETCHER, Esq., of Tarn Bank, Cumberland. THE TIMES, Saturday, Jun 20, 1863 MARRIAGE. On the 18th inst, at Dorking, Surrey, WILLIAM FLETCHER, Esq., of Brigham-hill, Cumberland, to CAROLINE, youngest daughter of FREDERICK ASHBY, Esqy. of Staines. No cards.
John Ostle's Journal
1879 Fletchers Isaac Fletcher. Mr. Isaac Fletcher (July 9th) writes from Tarn Bank: Isaac Fletcher. “Since I received your request to examine the colours of the components of β Cygni the nights have all been cloudy except last night, when at 10 o’clock I levelled the 12-foot refractor at β, and examined the colours with various powers from 134 to 425. I make the colours as follows:- A. Rich yellow. B. Greenish; “Afterwards on referring to the ‘Speculum,’ Mrs. Fletcher said that Mr. Dawes’s description of A as ‘crocus yellow’ was to her mind exactly specified.” (1850; subsequent obsrvations 1857, 1864 ;
Greysouthen Has, during recent years, been constituted a distinct civil parish; but for all ecclesiastical matters it still remains united with Brigham. It comprises an area of 1,558 acres, which are assessed for rating purposes at £3,173, and have a gross estimated rental of £3,697. The parish lies within Derwent ward and petty sessional division; the union and rural district of Cockermouth; the county council electoral division of Brigham; and the county court district of Cockermouth and Workington. Coal is abundant in the district, and a large portion of the inhabitants find employment in the mines. The mineral has been worked here for about a century, but on a more extensive scale formerly than now. The most valuable seam is that known as Camel Band, which has a thickness varying from 5 to 5½ feet. The parish is bounded by Brigham, Dean, Little Clifton, and Eaglesfield. Crakesothen, as the name is written in old documents, was one of the "five towns" belonging to the honour of Cockermouth, and was given, soon after the Conquest, to Waltheof, son of Gospatric, by William de Meschines, and has descended, like the barony, through various families by the marriage of heiresses, and is held by Lord Leconfield, as baron of Egremont and Cockermouth. The commons were enclosed in 1828, and an allotment of 15 acres was appropriated for the education of the poor of Greysouthen. The village of the same name lies about 3½ miles W. by S. of Cockermouth. The Wesleyans have a small chapel here, erected in 1833, at a cost of £161; and near the village is a Meeting House and a burial ground of the Society of Friends. The National School, which has recently been enlarged, has now accommodation for 730 children. Tarn Bank and The Mansion are two handsome residences in the parish.
SMYTH, Caroline Mary, Born Feb 1834, Died 25 Sep 1859 at age 25; bap ??; bur at Stone, where there is an Inscription Her father's obituary in the R.A.Soc Journal, Feb 1866 : ".. the sudden loss of a beloved and accomplished daughter a few years ago, a loss from which it may be doubted if he ever fully recovered." She is also described as having been "a special companion" of her father who wrote that she died "within less than a month of the day fixed upon for her union with my esteemed and excellent friend & correspondent Isaac Fletcher of Tarn Bank, Cumberland" d of diphtheria see The Bedford Cycle, p 304 2000 Workington Parish Like Whitehaven and the other ports on this coast, the principal export trade is conveying coal to Ireland and lime to Scotland, but some of the vessels trade to America and the Baltic. The imports consist chiefly of timber, with some hemp, &c. For five years previous to 1813, the average annual exports from the Workington collieries, belonging to Mr. Curwen, was about 28,000 waggon loads. "About the year 1816, Mr. Curwen had only four pits in working, in which about 400 persons were employed. Ten years later, 200,000 tons were annually shipped from the collieries of Mr. Curwen, Mr. John Fletcher, and Mr. Thomas Westray. In 1837, there were 15,734 waggon loads (each containing 48 cwt.) shipped at Workington, from the coal mines of Henry Curwen, Esq." FROM Mannix & Whellan, History, Gazetteer and Directory of Cumberland, 1847 The Times, Apr 18, 1868 - Election Intelligence - Cockermouth Two candidates are in the field for the vacant seat at Cockermouth, Mr. Isaac Fletcher, of Tarn Bank (Liberal), and Major Green-Thompson, of Bridekirk (Conservative). On Thursday night a large meeting of Liberal electors was held in the Freemasons'-hall, Cockermouth ; Mr Joseph Brown presided. Mr. Isaac Fletcher was chosen as the candidate in the Liberal interest. Mr. Fletcher, in addressing the meeting, said he was a liberal of the true old type, and if he was so fortunate as to secure the suffrage of the electors of Cockermouth, he should give to the party of Mr. Gladstone was the leader his cordial and unswerving support. With regard to the Irish Church, he thought that if ever there was an Establishment fraught with injustice it is the Irish Church, and he would, if elected, give his cordial support to its disestablishment. He thought the Bill for the Redistribution of Seats, which was sanctioned by Parliament, was unsatisfactory, and he would give effect to the views of the electors of Cockermouth by voting for a Redistribution Bill founded on a broader basis. After reviewing the political situation in Cockermouth, he asked if they would return a man to Parliament who was free and unfettered, or a castle nominee, and concluded by saying that this cause was the cause of the Liberals of Cockermouth, not his own. In reply to questions asked, Mr. Fletcher expressed himself favourable to the ballot, to throwing open the Universities to Dissenters, and to compulsory secular education. A meeting of Conservatives was held at the Globe Hotel on the same evening. Mr. Joshua Jenkinson presided, and the meeting was addressed by Major Green-Thompson, who announced his intention to contest the representation of the borough as a Conservative candidate. A committee was formed for the purpose of assisting to secure Major Green Thompson's return. The Times, Apr 27, 1868 - Election Intelligence - Cockermouth The nomination of a fit and
proper person to fill the vacancy caused in the representation of the borough of
Cockermouth by the death of the late Mr. John Steel, M.P., occurred at
Cockermouth on Saturday. Major Green-Thompson won this election by 170 votes to 144, but Isaac Fletcher stood again when a new election was called in the autumn - and this time was elected. The Times, Dec 4th, 1868 "Our New Members of Parliament" Mr Isaac Fletcher, who as a Liberal successfully contested Cockermouth against the Hon. H.L. [Bowke], the brother of its late member, the Earl of Mayo, now Governor General of India, is the eldest son of Mr John Wilson Fletcher, of Tarn Bank, Cumberland by Mary Allason of Beech-hill. He was born in 1827, and married in 1861 Esther, daughter of the late Mr Joseph King, of Warsell Grove, near Stourbridge. He is a magistrate for Cumberland, and his election by a majority of more than three to two over his opponent is the more striking as he was an unsuccessful candidate for the borough as recently as April last. The Times Apr 07, 1879 "The Late Mr. Fletcher, M.P." On Saturday
afternoon Mr. John St. Clare Bedford, Coroner for Westminster, and a jury of
householders of St. Martin's-in-the-Fields, held an inquest at the Vestry Hall,
St. Martin's-churchyard, on the body of Mr. Isaac Fletcher, aged 52 years,
described as in ironmaster and coalowner, and a member of Parliament for the
borough of Cockermouth. Among those present were Sir Henry Jackson, M.P.,
Mr. Whitwell, M.P., and Mr. Ferguson, M.P. Coal mining at Great Clifton Henry Allason Fletcher, Manager Lowca Engineering c1834 - 06 Jul 1884. Born Tarnbank, Cumberland, d. Whitehaven Cumberland The Lowca Locomotive Works. Alan Earnshaw.
"Fig 1f Melbourne Reflector by the elder Cooke of Yorke for Fletcher of Tarnbank; the polar ?? is of cast iron and the mounting very satisfactory and convenient, but unfortunately no detailed description has been published." 1911 Edition Encyclopedia Charles Wyndam, second Earl of Egremont, inherited Petworth through his
mother. Died 1763 John Wilson Fletcher 1847 John Wilson, Coal Owner, Workington Tarn Bank, the handsome residence of J.N. Fletcher Melgramfitz colliery. Owners Fletcher & Co. Workington area Fletcher & Co KIlled at Melgramfitz (
William Moncrieff m 18/5/1850 died 13/2/1877 Melgramfitz Colliery
In 1787, William Walker & Company leased the coal under a considerable portion of Greysouthen, and they and their successors carried on an extensive and profitable business for the following eighty years. In 1800, another firm, Wilson & Company, opened a new colliery in the same township.(20) One of these two firms, (probably the earlier, from the style of the engraving), is likely to have been responsible for the issue of the Graysouthen tokens of which several varieties are known, mostly with the cypher W & Co on the reverse. (Figs. 6 to 11). The numerals probably stand for bushels, but the significance of the H counter-marks and cut gussets is unclear. In
1823, Joseph Birbeck and J.W. Fletcher began operations in Greysouthen, when
they leased a royalty on Curwen land for nine years at a yearly rent of £20 and
one shilling per ton above an annual output of 400 tons.(21) They also issued a
token (Fig. 12), as did the partnership of Harris and Fawcett, with a fine
representation of an atmospheric engine on the obverse (Fig.13). William Pearson, victualler Ship, Broughton Cross, Brigham 1829 Victoria History of Cumberland 1901 (Vol2 pp379,380) The earliest recorded coal mining at Clifton was on the Curwen property about 1673. The Lowthers and the Cooksons of Newcastle were among the first to work coal in Clifton. Reelfit[z] Colliery was at work in 1735. ....... In 1852 Messrs. Isaac and William Fletcher became lessees of Mr. Curwen's royalty in Little Clifton, and sank a pit (40 fathoms to the main band) near Crossbarrow. In 1854 the same firm sank Harry Gill Pit on Mr. John Cookson's royalty to the same seam. The success of their efforts induced Lord Lonsdale to sink Lowther Pit, half a mile to the westward. which reached the main band in 1855 at a depth of only 30 fathoms. About this time disputes arose as to the Earl of Lonsdale's title to the royalty under certain lands in Great and Little Clifton, but those differences were settled by his lordship purchasing the estates, and thus becoming the owner of nearly all the land in both townships. In 1856 Lord Lonsdale granted a lease of all his royalty in Great and Little Clifton to Messrs. Fletcher, who completed the Lowther Pit. .... In 1861 William Pit, Great Clifton was sunk by the same firm. ..... In 1885 the Lowther Pit was abandoned. The Cooksons of Newcastle were working were working coal in the township of Greysouthen anterior to 1750. Since then many pits have been sunk by many persons, and a large area of coal has been worked, more particularly in the Cannel and Metal Band, south-eastward to the outcrop. The most southerly workings are those that have been made from Allan pit near to Dean parish boundary, upwards of two miles from the confluence of the Marron and Derwent. The most northerly workings in the Cannel and Metal Band have been made from Melgramfitz and other pits up to an upcast east fault of 40 fathoms that runs underneath the village of Greysouthen. In 1761 Sir James Lowther was working the Cannel and Metal Band, in Greysouthen, at a depth of 34 fathoms at Reelfitz pit, east of the Marron. In 1766 two small pits, 20 fathoms deep, were being worked, presumably by Mr John Cookson near the Marron, about half a mile south of Bridgefoot, for the supply of coal to the Clifton furnace. In 1783 Mr Cookson was working Windy Hill or Linefitz Colliery, on the east side of the Marron, in the Cannel and Metal Band. In 1787 Messrs. William Walker and Company leased the coal under a considerable portion of the township, and carried on an extensive and profitable business for a period of eighty years. In 1800 Messrs. John Wilson and Company, in which Mr. J.W. Fletcher was a partner, opened a new colliery in Greysouthen. They obtained, in 1807, at an Assize trial at Carlisle, £16,000 damages from Messrs. William Walker and Co., who, it was proved, had worked a large quantity of coal belonging to Messrs. Wilson and Co., whose colliery they had also damaged by throwing water upon it. Messrs. Walker and Co. were then working Agill, Walker and Moss Pits, and Messrs Wilson and Co. were working Wilson Pit. .... From 1855 to 1863 Messrs. Fletcher did not work any coal in Greysouthen, but Messers. Harris and Co. did. In 1860 the latter had one colliery in the Cannel Band, 42 fathoms deep, where 70 persons were employed. In 1863 Messrs. Isaac and Willam Fletcher completed Melgramfitz Pit, from which the Ten Quarters Seam and the Cannel and Metal Band were extensively worked until 1886, when the pit was closed. .... Since the closing of the Melgramfitz pit in 1886 no coal has been worked in Greysouthen. An agreement of 1855 allows Isaac and William Fletcher to extract their coal from Little Clifton colliery to the surface through Bridgefoot Colliery. |